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PRIMAVERA: Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) MPI-ESM1-2-XR model output for the "dcppc-amv-pos" experiment

Update Frequency: As Needed
Latest Data Update: 2021-12-15
Status: Ongoing
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Published
Publication Date: 2022-11-14
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 5.6K Files | 682GB


PRIMAVERA Project data from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) MPI-ESM1-2-XR model output for the "dcppc-amv-pos" experiment. These are available at the following frequencies: Amon, LImon, Lmon, Omon, SImon and day. The runs included the ensemble members: r10i1p1f1, r1i1p1f1, r2i1p1f1, r3i1p1f1, r4i1p1f1, r5i1p1f1, r6i1p1f1, r7i1p1f1, r8i1p1f1 and r9i1p1f1.

PRIMAVERA was a European Union Horizon2020 (grant agreement 641727) project.

Citable as:  Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (2022): PRIMAVERA: Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) MPI-ESM1-2-XR model output for the "dcppc-amv-pos" experiment. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: PRIMAVERA, HighResMIP, climate change, MPI-M, MPI-ESM1-2-XR, dcppc-amv-pos, Amon, LImon, Lmon, Omon, SImon, day


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data were produced and verified by Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) scientists before upload to the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) and publication via the Earth Systems Grid Federation (ESGF).

File Format:
Data are netCDF formatted.

Related Documents


Process overview

This dataset was generated by the computation detailed below.

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) running: experiment dcppc-amv-pos using the MPI-ESM1-2-XR model.


Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) running the "dcppc-amv-pos" experiment using the MPI-ESM1-2-XR model. See linked documentation for available information for each component.

Input Description


Output Description


Software Reference


  • units: K
  • standard_name: air_temperature
  • var_id: ta
  • long_name: Air Temperature
  • units: kg m-2 s-1
  • standard_name: convective_precipitation_flux
  • var_id: prc
  • long_name: Convective Precipitation
  • units: K
  • standard_name: air_temperature
  • var_id: tasmax
  • long_name: Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature
  • units: K
  • standard_name: air_temperature
  • var_id: tasmin
  • long_name: Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water
  • long_name: Downward Heat Flux at Sea Water Surface
  • var_id: hfds
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: eastward_wind
  • var_id: uas
  • long_name: Eastward Near-Surface Wind
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: eastward_wind
  • var_id: ua
  • long_name: Eastward Wind
  • units: kg m-2 s-1
  • long_name: Evaporation
  • var_id: evspsbl
  • standard_name: water_evapotranspiration_flux
  • units: m
  • standard_name: geopotential_height
  • var_id: zg
  • long_name: Geopotential Height
  • units: K
  • standard_name: air_temperature
  • var_id: tas
  • long_name: Near-Surface Air Temperature
  • standard_name: relative_humidity
  • units: %
  • long_name: Near-Surface Relative Humidity
  • var_id: hurs
  • standard_name: specific_humidity
  • var_id: huss
  • long_name: Near-Surface Specific Humidity
  • units: 1.0
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: wind_speed
  • long_name: Near-Surface Wind Speed
  • var_id: sfcWind
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: net_downward_radiative_flux_at_top_of_atmosphere_model
  • var_id: rtmt
  • long_name: Net Downward Flux at Top of Model
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: northward_wind
  • var_id: vas
  • long_name: Northward Near-Surface Wind
  • units: m s-1
  • standard_name: northward_wind
  • var_id: va
  • long_name: Northward Wind
  • var_id: pr
  • units: kg m-2 s-1
  • standard_name: precipitation_flux
  • long_name: Precipitation
  • standard_name: relative_humidity
  • units: %
  • long_name: Relative Humidity
  • var_id: hur
  • units: %
  • standard_name: sea_ice_area_fraction
  • long_name: Sea Ice Area Fraction
  • var_id: siconc
  • units: m
  • standard_name: sea_ice_thickness
  • long_name: Sea Ice Thickness
  • var_id: sithick
  • units: Pa
  • var_id: psl
  • long_name: Sea Level Pressure
  • standard_name: air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level
  • standard_name: sea_surface_salinity
  • long_name: Sea Surface Salinity
  • var_id: sos
  • units: 0.001
  • units: degC
  • standard_name: sea_surface_temperature
  • var_id: tos
  • long_name: Sea Surface Temperature
  • units: degC
  • standard_name: sea_water_potential_temperature
  • var_id: thetao
  • long_name: Sea Water Potential Temperature
  • units: m s-1
  • var_id: uo
  • long_name: Sea Water X Velocity
  • standard_name: sea_water_x_velocity
  • units: m s-1
  • var_id: vo
  • long_name: Sea Water Y Velocity
  • standard_name: sea_water_y_velocity
  • units: kg m-2 s-1
  • standard_name: snowfall_flux
  • var_id: prsn
  • long_name: Snowfall Flux
  • standard_name: specific_humidity
  • var_id: hus
  • long_name: Specific Humidity
  • units: 1.0
  • units: Pa
  • standard_name: surface_air_pressure
  • var_id: ps
  • long_name: Surface Air Pressure
  • units: Pa
  • standard_name: surface_downward_eastward_stress
  • var_id: tauu
  • long_name: Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress
  • units: Pa
  • standard_name: surface_downward_northward_stress
  • var_id: tauv
  • long_name: Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
  • var_id: rlds
  • long_name: Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
  • var_id: rsds
  • long_name: Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation
  • units: kg m-2
  • standard_name: surface_snow_amount
  • var_id: snw
  • long_name: Surface Snow Amount
  • units: K
  • standard_name: surface_temperature
  • var_id: ts
  • long_name: Surface Temperature
  • var_id: hfls
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
  • long_name: Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
  • var_id: hfss
  • long_name: Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux
  • units: W m-2
  • long_name: Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation
  • standard_name: surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air
  • var_id: rlus
  • units: W m-2
  • long_name: Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation
  • standard_name: surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
  • var_id: rsus
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: toa_incoming_shortwave_flux
  • var_id: rsdt
  • long_name: TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation
  • var_id: rlutcs
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky
  • long_name: TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation
  • var_id: rlut
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: toa_outgoing_longwave_flux
  • long_name: TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation
  • var_id: rsut
  • units: W m-2
  • standard_name: toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux
  • long_name: TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation
  • units: %
  • standard_name: cloud_area_fraction
  • var_id: clt
  • long_name: Total Cloud Fraction
  • units: kg m-2
  • long_name: Total Soil Moisture Content
  • var_id: mrso
  • standard_name: mass_content_of_water_in_soil
  • units: kg m-2 s-1
  • var_id: wfo
  • long_name: Water Flux into Sea Water
  • standard_name: water_flux_into_sea_water
  • units: m
  • var_id: depth
  • standard_name: depth
  • long_name: depth_below_sea
  • var_id: lat_2_bnds
  • var_id: lat_3_bnds
  • var_id: lat_bnds
  • var_id: lon_2_bnds
  • var_id: lon_3_bnds
  • var_id: lon_bnds
  • units: Pa s-1
  • standard_name: lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure
  • var_id: wap
  • long_name: omega (=dp/dt)
  • units: Pa
  • standard_name: air_pressure
  • var_id: lev
  • long_name: pressure
  • var_id: time_bnds

Co-ordinate Variables

  • units: degrees_north
  • standard_name: latitude
  • long_name: latitude
  • var_id: lat_3
  • units: degrees_east
  • standard_name: longitude
  • long_name: longitude
  • var_id: lon_3
  • standard_name: time
  • var_id: time
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
